Lifting Eye/Lifting Clutch

Lifting Eye/Lifting Clutch consists of a flat sided consists of a flat sided shackle and a clutch head.  The lifting body has a locking bolt, which permits rapid attachment and release of the lifting eye onto Swift Lift anchors, even while wearing work gloves.The lifting clutch is a quick and reliable lifting device to work with the spherical head anchors, our clutches are all proof load tested in workshop.

Product Details


The Lifting Eye/Lifting Clutch of a flat sided shackle and a clutch head. The lifting body has a locking bolt, which permits rapid attachment and release of the lifting eye onto Swift Lift anchors, even while wearing work gloves. The design of the Universal Lifting Eye permits the bail to freely rotate 180°, while the complete lifting eye may rotate through a 360° arc. It’s supportive to move freely in any direction.

Standard lifting clutch can be used with various pin anchors. Ring clutch system is standard lifting clutch for all anchors in the spread anchor system.  The load capacity of our lifting eyes ranges from 1.3T to 32T as needs.



Prefabricated concrete rings are widely used in prefabricated construction industry and new energy green building materials industry. Engineers in the industry often refer to the rings as universal rings, duckbill buckle rings, ball head spadders, PC component rings, etc. The rings need to be used with double-head ring anchors embedded in concrete.



It’s easy to install the lifting eyes to the lifting anchors by hanging it above the recess with the leg aligned to the handle. Press the lifting key down to the recess and push and rotate the leg towards the element surface until the leg touches the surface. The leg of the lifting eye must always be in contact with the concrete surface. During lifting, the recess supports the lifting key by taking diagonal or shear loads via contact pressure. This can only happen when the recess is used according to the following instructions. Lifting Clutch does not need any type of spacer under the leg. Never put anything below the leg of the Lifting clutch.

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